come pick me one as you like it :) this is display in front of cashier desk
bigger head aliens look like LOL sort kinda distortion
i keep busy chitchat online wiv my Blackberry autism, hahaha i don't even care all around me
Glaze Donuts sweet soft is yummyyyyyy "Bon Appetite....."
Having some froyo and donuts is my fav things to do in here beside hang-out talk laugh with my friends but i usualy just with my little sister the most reminds that she's really closest to me
She isn’t amazing at one thing, just good at a lot of things. All she truly needs is love to keep her sane. She knows she has flaws and tries to accept them. She just wants to make a difference one day, and she wants someone to remember her name.
"Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change"
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